CTO Atte Haapalinna presented Power wafer line at EU PSES
Okmetic CTO Atte Haapalinna gave a speech in September 2023 at the ISES EU Power event on Customized Silicon and SOI Wafers Enabling Enhanced Power Devices.
Advanced silicon wafers can greatly improve power device performance and reduce power losses. Okmetic Power wafer line provides an optimal platform for the manufacture of various power devices. Our (power device optimized) wafer solutions improve power device performance, reduce Total Cost of Ownership and enable more refined designs.
Okmetic Power wafer line comprise:
- Power Management SOI wafers (Bonded SOI)
- Power GaN Substrate wafers (Si and SOI)
- Discrete Power Device wafers
Read more about our Power wafer line: Power Wafer Line | Okmetic
As always, our sales and technical support are happy to help you find a perfect silicon solution for your device and process needs. You can contact us here.