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Heikki Holmberg from Okmetic has been selected as Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Alumnus of the Year

Okmetic is now member of the GaN Valley™

CTO Atte Haapalinna presented Power wafer line at EU PSES

Okmetic enables academic research within the company with the help of Research Impact Foundation

Tuomas Itkonen is appointed Chief Financial Officer

Okmetic has received the MWS Material Supply Award now provides more content in Chinese

The Sustainability Report for 2022 has been published

Okmetic partaking in RF themed R&D project consortium

Semi-Summer 2023 is now launched

We had the honor to have Ambassador of Japan, Kazuhiro Fujimura, visit Okmetic on May 29

We have set a target for our greenhouse gas emissions

Okmetic’s responsible operations have been audited

Okmetic is sponsoring the MEMS & Sensors Technical Congress 2023